Monthly Archives: May 2014

Facebook Groups for growing your business! by Brad Pearson

At least once a week I find myself in a conversation with a real estate agent who shares with me their frustration with being able to stay in front of their database, grow their database, and bring value to their database on a consistent basis that will yield a return in quantifiable repeat and referral business.   I find myself sharing all kinds of ideas with them that all require them to be a very active Screen-Shot-2012-02-29-at-8.50.53-AMpart of the contacting process.  From mailing out note cards, newsletters, and making phone calls, to the horribly ineffective old fashioned email campaigns, it just seems like the challenge will never go away.  The constant pursuit of something easier, some magical program, seems to be the mission.   Yet within minutes of our discussions on this topic, we all find ourselves checking in on Facebook, commenting on posts, and looking to see what everyone is up to, etc.  This got me to thinking and being an avid Facebook Group user and member of many different groups, and seeing others using Facebook Groups fairly effectively for many different reasons, I felt it was worth sharing some ideas on how agents could use this free feature to build, manage, and stay in close touch with their database as well as build captured audiences around them by being the creator and moderator of a their own Facebook Groups.

Let’s first define Facebook Groups… Definition according to Webopedia:  Facebook Groups are pages that you create within the Facebook social networking site that are based around a real-life interest or group or to declare an affiliation or association with people and things. With a Facebook Group, you are creating a community of people and friends to promote, share and discuss relevant topics.

The definition alone should spark some thought and ideas.  One of the greatest benefits of the internet is the ability to collaborate with others on subjects and topics that you share in common.  I belong to several Facebook Groups on Real Estate, my community, my hobbies, politics, and business.  I visit these groups constantly and have my notifications set to alert me to new posts by other members.  When a post of interest is made, I can simply go to the group and read it, like it, and comment.  Often times, there are spirited debates that take place in these groups, difference of opinions, etc. but overall, if we are in the group together, we share a common interest.   The groups are very interactive and incredibly collaborative in nature.  In one real example, I was reading a post on a group I’m in about quadcopters/drones, and was able to avoid a huge and expensive mistake that I was literally about to make that would have destroyed my motors on my drone.  Situations like this and others happen every day on these kinds of groups.  The power of collaboration amongst like minded people with similar interests is immense.

largest_facebook_groupsSo, as a real estate agent, whom everyone is your potential client, it only makes perfect sense to not only join Facebook groups that meet your interest, local groups that bring you closer to your community, but it makes perfect sense for you to start your own groups!  And frankly the more the better in my opinion.  Let me share some ideas, but feel free to explore your own creativity to discover great ways of using these groups.

-Neighborhood group!  Farm or live in a particular tract or community?  Start a group for that community for all of the neighbors to stay in touch, share local information, collaborate, discuss neighborhood watch topics, yard sale announcements, etc. etc.  Offer to manage a group for the local homeowners association even.  This is a no brainer for real estate agents since we are always deeply involved in our communities and neighborhoods.  Simply start the group and notify the neighborhood with visits, mailers, calls, etc. and before you know it you will have a few hundred people involved and loving YOU for creating it!

-Past Client & SOI business networking group!  Create a group where all of your past clients and sphere of influence can connect and network their businesses.

-Local Business networking group!  Create and invite all of the local business owners to connect with each other on this group and share ideas on growth and the local business climate and opportunities.

-Real Estate Information group!  Create a local group just for real estate information to those interested in the area.

-Local hobbies, interests, sports, groups!  Coach a local little league team? Start a group where games can be announced, posted, pictures can be shared, etc.   Love fishing?  How about a local fishing hot spot group for all of the nearby lakes in the city?  Poker, bunco, etc. groups where games are announced.   Local Golf group where information on the local golf courses can be shared, pictures, special prices, golf tips, videos, etc.   Cycling group.  Arrange group rides and share safety tips.

-Best Friends group!  How about just starting a group for all of your friends so you can all stay in touch and share with each other.

-Family Group!  Create a group for all of your close and distant relatives and reconnect everyone with each other.  This group will collectively refer business to you so stay in front of them while bringing them all closer together.

-Charity Group!  Create a group to support the local charities, or the cause that interests you the most.  Love helping animals? Connect with others who are passionate about helping animals!

-Health and Fitness/Dieting group!  Create a local group for people in the community that are focused on getting and staying healthy.  Support people who have weight loss goals.

I can go on and on with ideas!  There are no limitations on topics that will interest people.  And if you are the person bringing this to them, then you end up with a captive private audience to promote yourself to subtly on a consistent basis while bringing something of value that they use daily.

As you’ve no doubt heard me say before, we as real estate agents need to give first, and be on a mission to help our communities and clients.  Because none of us are completely defined by our jobs, it is important that we stretch beyond just the topic of real estate and work to connect and bring our communities together.  A simple Facebook Group can help do that, and ultimately make you the real estate agent of choice amongst the group members!

Here is a link to learn how to create a Facebook Group in just a few simple minutes:

As always, I am here to help you grow your business regardless of company affiliation which is why I write this blog.  With that said, I am always looking to add more great agents to our firm and office, so don’t hesitate to give me a call or text at 714-782-2723 or email at if you would like to discuss the opportunities at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage!

Now go create your groups!


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Coldwell Banker Timeline 2014

It’s a great feeling to be with a firm with such a strong history and clear vision into the future!  If you’re considering a career in Real Estate or currently at a company where there’s more questions than there are answers about it’s future, then take a moment and schedule an appointment to find out what Coldwell Banker is all about! Call or txt Brad Pearson @ 714-782-2723 or email .        This great video below says it all!

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