Category Archives: News

The Sky is Falling!

Chicken Little said it and it’s become a great analogy for the perpetual fear and panic that has spread throughout the Real Estate industry since long before I got my license almost 25 years ago.  Since I got into this business, I’ve heard the panic almost every single year.  Whether it was the “Banks are going to take over”, “Internet is going to Screen Shot 2017-07-08 at 11.45.49 PMreplace us”, or the seasonal discount broker that shows up with plans to “disrupt the industry”, so far, none of these things have managed to replace the skilled customer service oriented full service real estate agent and firm.

With that said, this is NOT a post about other business models, and it’s certainly not a post designed to discredit or discourage the entrepreneurial spirit and competitive nature of our business or any business for that matter.   Over the years I have seen many businesses succeed and fail but I have always appreciated how these business attempts either prove me wrong or validate my beliefs.

So what is this post really about?  It’s about VALUE vs COST!   Most of the attacks on the full service brokerage model have been almost 100% focused on attacking the COST rather than the value of a real estate agent/firm.  Oh yes… They try to diminish the value of the competitor by implying that they are overcharging for what they offer, but in the end, all that’s being sold is COST.    Sometimes it’s because the market shifts up or down that drives the emergence of these COST focused businesses, but whatever the reason, the common sense is that no matter what business it is, there will always be a large majority of people who demand VALUE over COST.   IF cost was all that mattered to the IMG_2329general public then expensive doctors, lawyers, engineers, and frankly every luxury auto maker would disappear in light a cheaper/less expensive option.   Think of any business, service, or product… There is a low cost version and a high cost version and in every single case there are significant differences in their offerings/products.   It really is about common sense.  An entire industry like the real estate business would not be dominated by full service brokerages if there was such a demand for low cost/discount brokerages.   It’s not like real estate or real estate agents are something new.  And regardless of whether it is a company like Zillow offering “Instant Offers”,  Discount Brokers, or a Tech Company wanting to automate the entire transaction on an APP or website,  the ONE business model that has been sustainable and withstood the test of time has been the FULL SERVICE REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE model.   The fear surrounding the “instant offers” offering by Zillow is not worth the drama either.  Almost every home seller wants TOP DOLLAR for their home so those few who don’t, are willing to sell “under market” to an investor, and that is NOT the Full Service brokerage customers.  So Zillow is welcome to do what they want but until they figure out how to replicate what the Full Service brokers offer and deliver on, they aren’t really our competition.   I’d even venture to say that since Zillows model is to sell leads to real estate agents, that their “instant offers” program is likely a ploy to gather seller leads to sell back to the real estate agents at a premium… Sound familiar???

So the bottom line is this…   IN THE ABSENCE OF VALUE OR EVEN PERCEIVED VALUE, PEOPLE WILL SEEK OUT COST.   And overall, our industry has done a great job not only proving that we are worth our fees, but we have demonstrated it in our overall results over a very long period of time.   Selling a home is NOT easy, and closing the escrow is FullSizeRendereven harder in many cases.  The amount of skill, patience, strategy, & experience it takes to get through most transactions is staggering.   In most cases, there are more things that could go wrong than could go right and it takes incredible insight, anticipation, and problem solving abilities to get these transactions closed.   Furthermore, the amount and quality of marketing, advertising, and over all exposure necessary to drive the demand to achieve the top dollar price cannot just be duplicated by anyone.  Some brokerages and agents simply do more than others and some do it better.  This is an unarguable and easily proven fact.

So who do these other business models have any success at all?  They literally bank on not having to compete with the top brokerages and agents in a competitive listing presentation.  They often count on a seller just seeing a lower COST and assuming we’re all the same and calling them.   Or they hope that a seller is so focused on saving money on real estate commissions that they don’t apply their normal way of considering VALUE in every other aspect of their life to this huge decision to sell their home.  And lastly, they hope that if they do end up competing with a full service real estate agent that he/she will not be skilled enough to articulate their value proposition and justify their fee, leaving the decision to COST where they can always win.

What’s my advice to the full service real estate agents out there?  BECOME EXPERTS AT KNOWING YOUR AND YOUR COMPANY’S VALUE PROPOSITIONS that WILL benefit the sellers and buyers.  Don’t just say that Exposure Creates Demand and Demand Drives Price, but know how to showcase the specific dramatic difference in the amount of exposure that you and your firm can deliver to attract more buyers.  Be able to articulate HOW you are able to deliver a higher level of service, safety, and overall end result to them when they choose you as their agent/company.  And be able to help the customer realize that there is a significant difference between agents and firms.

If you can do that then there really is nothing to be afraid of.   People demand VALUE… They demand SERVICE… And they demand RESULTS.   These things are hard to deliver at a low COST.

I want to leave you with this great quote that really does make it clear as day.  And it’s one that is nearly impossible to argue with.  I would even go as far as to say it is a “law” in our society:

“There is hardly anything in the world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person’s lawful prey. It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money — that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot — it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”  -John Ruskin

In the end and in closing, I believe there’s enough business for everyone.  There is a market and a customer for every model.  And what makes our country so great is that the customer is given choices.   For me, I will always be a VALUE guy when it comes to large and very personal decisions that will affect my family.   I drive a nice, safe, and expensive car, I seek out the best doctor, we have a great, but pricey family lawyer, I pay a little more for great insurance from a large company, and yes… I shop at Nordstrom almost exclusively because of their service.   But I don’t fault those who choose the opposites of those to save money as that is a decision we all should be able to make for ourselves and options that should always be available for those who want them.
Thanks for reading!

Brad Pearson

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

What if you were unknowingly lying by omission to your clients every time you went on a listing appointment?  Well, if your not paying,, and others to be the ONLYpof12345 agent being offered on your listings, then you may be lying by omission.  I realize this could come off a little harsh, but it’s true, when you list a sellers home, it’s reasonable to believe that THEY believe and assume that when they sign a listing contract with you that YOU will be fielding all incoming buyer inquiries from the most common and trafficked websites like and, among others.  My point of contention is that any agent who is not ensuring that they are the ONLY agent being offered on the major websites for THEIR OWN LISTINGS, has a responsibility to TELL their perspective listing client that up to 4 different agents will be offered on their listing and that there is a 1 in 4 chance that they will get the call/inquiry from a buyer searching these sites.

Think of it this way…allowing up to 3-4 agents names and contact information to be offered on your listing is resignsmanyalmost as absurd as allowing 3-4 different agents/company’s For Sale Signs to be placed in front of your listing.  With nearly 90% of buyers beginning their search online, these calls are the modern day sign call.

While some sellers may not care, and some won’t realize the impact, it’s more likely that they do and will.  Let’s deal with reality here.  So it begs the question;  Would they still list with you if they were told this information before signing?  Maybe, or maybe not… But I believe they should be able to make an informed choice.

The reasoning is pretty simple and based in undeniable logic… Who’s the best person to field the incoming inquiries on a listing? A randomly selected agent who purchased some geographic area to get buyer leads or THE LISTING AGENT?   Some would argue that a buyer shouldn’t work with the listing agent and should seek out individual buyer representation.  And that’s not a bad argument or point in some cases and worthy of a healthy debate.  But to make that argument the assumption/accusation must me made that the listing agent  (who is legally allowed to represent both buyer and seller in California)  won’t provide adequate representation.   I’ve found that the vast majority of Realtors are good and honest people who work to create a win win scenario when representing both buyer and seller.  So this leaves us to acknowledge the undeniable logic that the LISTING AGENT is generally the single best person and most interested person in ensuring that every buyer inquiry is responded to quickly and with solid information about the details and availability of the property.

So now one more question has to be asked…. Why wouldn’t EVERY listing agent pay the fees to ensure they are the ONLY agent being offered on THEIR listings on major websites?   Here’s the answer:  IT’S EXPENSIVE.  For an agent listing between 25-50 homes per year, the cost could exceed $12,000!   For agents doing less, the cost still is significant.  So what we see is very many agents and companies just don’t do it.

FINALLY, I can’t go without mentioning this of course.  At Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, our sales associates ALL have the ability to accomplish this for free with the MAXIMUM program!  Because of our size and belief in this program, we have made every effort to make this affordable for the benefit of both our Realtors and their clients.   When one of our great agents are on a listing presentation it simply

Click here for more information on MAXIMUM

goes without saying that the seller can be assured that online buyer inquiries will be handled quickly and professionally.

In closing, I want to commend you if you are one of those agents with Coldwell Banker or any other firm, who have made the decision make the investment in ensuring that your sellers expectations are met and that the buyers are only being presented with ONE choice and in my opinion the BEST choice of who to call for information on your listings.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read my posts and be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already!

If you are a Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage sales associate, then thank you for being part of our amazing customer focused company!  If you are not and are interested in learning more about possibly affiliating with us, then send me and email at, or give me a call at (714)782-2723

I’m here to help you grow your business!


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20kGiveaway_FBImage_Post5YES!  This is for real!  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage agents now have a new and powerful way to give back to the community while growing their database with quality local contacts.   It’s very simple, when a CBRB agent signs up to participate in the program they are given access to all of the online promotional materials, print media, and a unique personalized landing/sign up page that they can promote anywhere.   This campaign continues from May 16th to September 16th and the winner will be drawn on September 30th, 2016.

One of the powerful advantages of this campaign is that it is a great way for you as a Coldwell Banker agent, to grow your database since every registration is automatically sent growurbusinto your database manager/client follow up program provided by the company so that you can use that list to respectfully stay in touch with all of these people.  You will also be notified instantly every time there’s a registration so you can see if they are requesting information on selling or buying a home and follow up immediately.

Our agents are already reporting huge success promoting this program on Social Media…  With registrations flying in and their database of great reliable contact information growing fast!  Some of the great ideas shared at our roll out were to offer easy registration at their open houses on the iPad, promotion within RT20ktheir geographic farms, direct mail, and partnering with local businesses to leave their flyers and brochures.   The ideas are endless and this is where thinking out of the box will pay off big time!

One thing is for sure, everyone wants to win money!  And we are very excited about announcing one luck winner at the end of September!

For more information on the rules or to register to win, and see a live example of the landing page our agents get, visit

If you aren’t a Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage agent yet, but would like more information on all of the benefits of associating with a large PREMIUM brand and how we help our agents grow their businesses, just send me an email, text, or phone call to   Direct: 714-782-2723

Thanks for visiting!


Why CB?

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Here we grow again! 3rd floor construction beginning soon!


Click artist rendering for more exciting details!

It’s official! Construction beginning Sept 2016.  The city of Yorba Linda, the building owners, and our corporate headquarters in New Jersey have formally approved our 3rd floor addition to our North Orange County Yorba Linda regional office!  This addition will add 5000SF to our already 10,000SF office taking us to a magnificent 15,000 total square feet!  Our plans are to add an 1100SF gym, a full service mini fully staffed gourmet cafeteria, as well as 12 more large private offices and 20 more workstations. We intend and are awaiting approval for Mon-Fri valet parking service for our associates and clients!  More info to follow! 🎉🎊

For more incredible details and info click here!


If you list it, it will sell!

OK, so I told you so!  Whew, had to get that out of the way right up front.  Yes, it felt good to say.  So for the past 3 months I’ve been standing up at sales meetings and preaching that the inventory drop we experienced  in October last year through the holidays was notifyoulistititwillsell1 showing the normal signs of increase and that we would be seeing this in the news by March/April… Well here we are, the articles are finally being published in the news publications, yet we’ve been living this for 3 months now.    And here we are as an office with over 80 sales for March (beating last March), and on our way to 90 new sales for the month!   Yes, the market is hot, but our agents are definitely getting a large portion of the business too!

What does all this mean?  Well, the bottom line is that “if you list it, it will sell!”… Be reasonable on the price, have professional photos, stage the property if necessary, and use all of the Coldwell Banker marketing and advertising, you will not only sell your listings, but you’ll likely have multiple offers! And if you are a really good negotiator, strategic thinking, and follow the multiple offer strategies, you’ll likely get a higher sales price for your sellers!

As Realtors, we need to get the word out to any sellers who tried to sell and failed in the past year.   Share the current market climate and show them how our Coldwell Banker marketing strategies, and massive advertising/exposure, can help them get top dollar or their home right now!

Will this last?  Who knows!?   But my bet is that it won’t and that inventory will begin to rise and level off over the next few months.  While we will still be in a great market, there are amazing opportunities for home sellers right now to have less competition and maximize their sales price!

As always, whether you’re with Coldwell Banker or not, it is my pleasure to share ideas, thoughts, and strategies to help you grow your business so don’t hesitate to reach out for a free coaching meeting!   And don’t forget to subscribe above to receive all of my posts instantly as they are written!

Best wishes!

Brad Pearson

Call/Text  714-782-2723

Why CB?

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Why “Corporate” is NOT a BAD word…

Regional Corporate Office in Irvine, CA.

Regional Corporate Office in Irvine, CA.

Well if I’ve heard it from our competitors once, I’ve heard it a hundred times… “Corporate owned is bad, Corporate owned is slow, etc. etc. etc.”  For many years I believed the same thing and perpetuated that belief.   Which unless we have been there, done that…bad on all of us to make such assumptions on anything, anyone, or any company, really without walking a day in those shoes.  And then after nearly 20 years of working with several smaller independent brokerages and frankly loving many things about them, I made the move to the largest corporate owned Real Estate company in America.  To say that I was a fish out of water would be an understatement!  Almost immediately I was issued a “worldwide ID number”, given a list of usernames and passwords, and a 3 inch thick packet of orientation pamphlets, instruction sheets, and welcome letters. Of course, understand I was an employee and not an independent contractor…but I was certainly taken back regardless.  Within a few weeks I was in a full day orientation meeting followed up with online ethics, anti-harassment, and, international commercial bribery classes.  Not how to do it of course but what NOT to do!  The look on my face when I got my tour of the enormous regional corporate office and support staff was reminiscent of the Clampetts when they arrived in Beverly Hills.

Now I’ll admit, I spent some time looking back early on in my corporate relationship and at times missing the simplicity and informality of my previous lives at the smaller independent highly personality driven firms.  There was certainly some advantages to being small and nimble and I definitely admire the enormous personal investment an independent entrepreneurial owner brings to the equation when it comes to competing in a highly competitive industry like Real Estate, especially with the big brands at play in the sand box.

However, what I have learned in the past year and a half working within a very large corporation, would surprise many.  The advantages FAR OUTWEIGH any of the perceived negatives.  As a matter of fact, many of the things that I and others perceived as “negatives” are precisely what makes the company so great, so financially stable, and so professional.  And when the perspective is changed to analyze the actual reasons behind many of the systems and processes, it becomes blindingly obvious that this is how any professional organization should be ran in America today.

Allow me to share some specific reasons a large public company offers so many more advantages and benefits to all of those affiliated with, employed by, or a customer of such a firm:

1. MAJOR DECISIONS ARE NOT MADE IN HASTE OR TOO QUICKLY – For a major decision to benefit an organization, it’s associates, employees, and the customers, time should be given to analyze and ensure that the decision can be announced, and executed upon in a clear and systematic approach.  All departments involved have the opportunity to share input on their role and ability to deliver, a solid timeline is determined, and all front line employees are clearly directed on their specific roles, trained if necessary, and supported to deliver to the field.  When time is given to properly and by the appropriate people, then once the decision is made, you can take it to the bank with a large company like Coldwell Banker.  When a product is rolled out, it is here to stay and will not go away unless it is for an improved product/upgrade.

2. FROM THE FIELD TO THE BOARDROOM: I always though a corporate company leads from the board room down. Not here. It lives and breathes from the field to the boardroom. Input from the field is bigger than life in vison, philosophy and execution. Not only do employees and departments bring ideas, feedback and input but independent contractors and customers ideas and feedback is weighed heavily.

3. NO PERSONAL BIAS – In a large public company, decisions are made on the merit of the business objective. It is included in our education process and managed closely so that there is not a conflict of interest at any level.  It’s really simple. We ask the right questions and evaluate the opportunities with full disclosures, proper checks and balances. Will it help grow the business, make the business more efficient, assist our independent contracts and customers, and reduce risk and liability exposure for all involved?   It’s not about the person proposing it, or someones personal feelings or agendas.  If the business and it’s people and customers will benefit, then it’s a no brainer and put into the queue to ensure a successful implementation at a strategically appropriate time.  No… It doesn’t happen overnight, but it happens at the appropriate time and for the appropriate reasons. It happens right the first time and with no chaos.

4. LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP – While it’s great to say that “the buck stops here”, no one person in a large public company has the power to hurt the entire business unit.  Certainly not for long before change is made.  Everyone’s focused on delivering a positive result and outcome and having levels of leadership and approval processes ensure that everyone is protected with proper gate keepers that ensure the success of the organization as well as it’s longevity!

5. NO DRAMA – Just business!  Drama serves no business purpose.  Only personal agendas.  It is unfair as well as unprofessional for drama to be brought into a professional organization at any level. Large corporations are able to manage this a lot more effectively than smaller mom/pop shops where personal dramas not only can interrupt business emotionally but financially.

6. SUCCESSES ARE REPEATED, FAILURES ARE NOT – Large public companies  are held on high expectation and performance plans NOT to repeat them, especially in this day and age.  Failures can make national headlines in large public companies as we have seen in past years.  This scrutiny forces better decision making processes. This is good for all who are involved in and around corporate companies. Sign me up!

7. TRUE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SUPPORT- The people make the business and in large public companies there is no higher priority than the fair and respectful treatment of its people.  No one is above the law or the rules regardless of position in the company.  Checks, balances, processes, and

Click to view video!

Click to view video!

experienced HR personnel are in place to ensure everyone is treated fairly and properly.  Continuous training/education is in place to keep everyone abreast and up to date on all applicable laws, policies, and procedures.  This creates a phenomenal work environment for everyone in the company leading to higher levels of productivity and service.  Everyone knows exactly where they stand in the company at all times.

8. FINANCIAL RESOURCES – It goes without saying that with the extraordinarily large dollars in resources that better decisions are made, problems can be solved, and time and support can be given to realize bigger and better objectives for all.  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage with its size and power is the only firm I know of that even offers their own legal assitance program vs just insurance which includes claims/disapprovals, large deductibles and probable delays and red tape. Coldwell Banker’s Legal Assistance program is the only one I have ever heard of that goes all the way to $20,000,000 per transaction in claim assistance with a NO Independent sales associate dollar participation – meaning that the independent sales associates are in good hands in the event of a legal challenge.  On a good note, with large financial resources, it’s no wonder CB can offer so much more advertising, technology, branch and corporate staffing -including a marketing coordinators in each branch onsite, and world class facilities.

9. FINANCIAL STABILITY – A well ran large public company will do what is necessary, absent any ego, to ensure the longevity of the business for the good of the people within it and it’s customers and shareholders at all times.

In the past year and a half, I have learned to LOVE the large corporation from a business as well as a personal perspective.   I have learned that good solid business principles with healthy accountability help to dramatically clear a path for employees, and independent sales associates to focus on and thrive in their jobs at work and their families at home while having the confidence that the business will be around for a very long time.    With that said, I’d say that the biggest “aha” was in seeing all of the people who have affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage since I joined, fall in love with this organization and it’s immense professionalism with no complaints about it being too “corporate”.  There’s no question that there are incredible smaller companies that are amazing places to work and do a phenomenal job so this article is not intended to take away from their amazing accomplishments but rather end/clarify the perception that large “corporate” is bad in comparison.  Let’s just say that there are clear benefits to each and this article was to provide another perspective – mine, one I have personally lived through for over a year and half and feel quite qualified to comment on. These are my opinions and observations and should not even be construed or reflective as the view or opinion of Coldwell Banker or other corporate companies.

In closing I would challenge anyone who is still holding on to the belief that a big “corporate” organization is bad, to pick up the phone and call any of our independent sales associates who have joined us from a smaller or non-corporate run company and ask them what they think after affiliating.   I’ll bet you’ll be surprised that the last thing they say is that “Corporate” is a bad thing or a bad word! Corporate to them is resources, stability and FUN!

If you’d like to come find out why Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is such a great place to work, then feel free to email or call me at or 714-782-2723 for a confidential appointment.

Thanks for subscribing!


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

OWNED AND OPERATED BY NRT LLC.  …and so glad we are!

Click here to learn more about NRT LLC

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Coldwell Bankers newest commercial debuts on tonight’s Academy Awards

There’s no place like home, especially when you have a furry friend waiting for you on the other side of the door.  Here’s a look at our newest commercial which will debut on the Academy Awards tonight!  And what a great cause Coldwell Banker has taken on to save 20,000 dogs!  Visit for more information in this great initiative.

Don’t miss the blooper reel! This is hilarious behind the scenes footage!

2014 Recap Video! Coldwell Banker North Orange County!

2014 Recap condensed into this fun 5 minute video! We had a fun as well as productive year and grew to over 120 agents in 2014 and opened our new 10,000sf flagship North Orange County Regional office in Yorba Linda! And we will continue to grow in 2015! Enjoy this fun short video and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Don’t miss our GRAND OPENING event/celebration on January 22nd from 4-7pm!

All local Realtors invited! Click image to view video invite.

All local Realtors invited! Click image to view video invite.

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Guess who moved to Coldwell Banker?

question-mark-16-9It’s nothing new in our business…  Agents switch companies all of the time.  But it is a rare event when a large amount of them move to a single firm in such a short period of time!   In the past 12 months almost 100 (94 to be exact) licensed real estate agents left their previous brokerages and affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage’s new North Orange County branch.  What makes this so hard to believe and frankly so astonishing, is that so many of these great agents left the companies they were at for very many years.  And frankly, the companies they left were all great companies too.   So, what happened? Why did so many people move to Coldwell Banker in such a short period?   Well, there’s been a lot of speculation as to the answers to these questions.  I won’t list all of the reasons that I’ve heard floating around out there, but I will answer the question and dispel any and all rumors or speculation.

After years of just a couple of companies dominating the North Orange County market place and trading agents back and forth, the need for another full service but very different option became clear.  And when Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage announced their expansion and return to Yorba Linda, the decision became very easy for many.  The single largest and #1 real estate firm in the US with over 700 offices brought an offering that met and far exceeded the needs of the customer and the agents with a well known brand combined with an established luxury component, powerful mix of readily available and extensive marketing at the branch level and beyond, advertising, education, financial stability, and overall resources.   It was simple to many…  A shift from their company to CBRB and they suddenly have MORE to offer their customers in so many tangible ways.   Add to everything tangible that was astonishing, the intangible yet immensely important components of leadership, culture, reputation, ethics, and environment were icing on the cake.  To quote Graeme Raid and Jacquie Robinson who said it so perfectly “We frankly didn’t know what we didn’t know until we made the move. And it just keeps getting better!”.   Quotes like this have become a common theme amongst those who have affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.

By now you may be curious “Who made the switch to Coldwell Banker?”, so for the answer to that question and to avoid typing a very long list, just click this link to view our office roster of over 120 agents… I think you’ll be surprised at many of the names on the list (and there’s many more to come);

With just 31 days left in 2014, it’s the perfect time to explore the opportunities at Coldwell Banker and find out what you’ve been missing out on all of these years!  You really do owe it to yourself.  It certainly can’t hurt!

For more information visit and read all about this amazing company!

For a confidential interview, just email  or  Call/TXT  714-782-2723

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Come visit us: 21580 Yorba Linda Blvd. Yorba Linda CA. 92887

Come visit us:
21580 Yorba Linda Blvd.
Yorba Linda CA. 92887


“We’re all in this together”…What a wild ride so far! (Watch VIDEO)

21580 Yorba Linda Blvd. Yorba Linda CA. 92887

With less than a week left before we move in to our new Yorba Linda office, I can’t help but to reflect over the past 11 months.  To say that I am grateful and humbled would be an understatement.

While I realize there’s still a lot to be accomplished, I am grateful for the incredible success that we have already achieved together in such a short time!

Here’s a short rundown of some of the great milestones that we have achieved:

-Grew from just about 25 agents to 105 before the grand opening of our new facility!

-Located, leased, and built out, a new 10,000 square foot office in Yorba Linda as promised!

-Grew our average monthly sales count from 10-12 to an average of 40+ with a recent high of 57 at almost $40,000,000!  I completely expect to be achieving 75+ sales counts very soon!

Recommitted to the Tustin market with the announcement of a new state of the art facility coming very soon!

And the momentum continues!!!

These great accomplishments are the result of all of us working together in our common goal of growing the Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage brand in North Orange County!  Our collective efforts have changed the landscape of real estate firms in North Orange County forever. We have certainly gotten our competitors attention!  And most importantly, so many of the agents who made the decision to affiliate with Coldwell Banker, are experiencing incredible success after making the move!

For the first time in years, so many agents now have the opportunity to experience first hand that affiliating with a company that bases it’s decisions on strong business principles that are grounded in “what’s best for our agents and our customers”, can create an environment where they can simply focus on growing their businesses knowing that the company is solid, stable, and unwavering in it’s focus.

Please take a moment and watch the video below.  I’m confident that it will move you as much as it moved me!  It IS the exact mindset in this video that will continue our tremendous forward momentum!

If you are not yet with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage and you’d like more information about affiliating with CB or just getting a tour of our new state of the art facility in Yorba Linda, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at or call/text 714-782-2723.


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